Advance Booking Kalka - Simla (Shimla) Toy Train Railway Tickets

Booking Time (Days) to book Toy Train Railway Ticket from Kalka to Simla (Shimla) & Visa versa are different for different trains which are available on the IRCTC website. 

Normally, All the Trains running have the advance booking time of 60 days. Means you can book a train only 60 days in advance but this does not stand true in case of the Kalka & Simla (Shimla) Toy Train.

Below is the list of all the available Toy Train to travel between Kalka (KLK) to Shimla / Simla (SML) with there advance Booking period mentioned in the last column.

How to Activate On Screen Keyboard (OSK) ?

How to activate On Screen Keyboard (OSK) in Windows Laptop / Computer ? Firstly you might thing why i would require to activate On Screen Keyboard ? The Answer is simple, when you require to use the Key (Like Scroll Lock)which is not provided on your physical keyboard.

Below are the two alternative methods to activate On Screen Keyboard :